Thursday, April 3, 2014

40 Bags in 40 Days: Days 20-25

I'm estimating that I have purged 24 bags during this challenge. I have donated things in boxes, grocery bags, large trash bags and several larger items that didn't fit in a box or bag. This would be counting boxes as a bag, groups of small grocery bags as a bag, or several larger items as a bag. It's my challenge and I make the rules. LOL That's not bad considering we are 23 days into the challenge. We don't count Sunday's during the season of lent as we take the day off to worship and rest. 

My Purge Pile for this Week:

A box, 6 grocery bags, a pail, decorations, 1 large grocery bag, 2 large trash bags, a sewing machine, and baby play gym. I'm counting this as 33 bags in 25 Days.

This isn't clutter but gifts for my grandson that I have been collecting for several months.

I gave a sewing machine and baby play gym to my daughter Brittany that I forgot to take pictures of.

You may be interested in:

40 Bags In 40 Days Challenge

40 Bags in 40 Days: Start Day

Clutter Busting Challenge March 2014 Part 1

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